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Wednesday, 02 June 2021 11:02 484

Sukhum. May 31, 2021. Apsnypress. Representatives of the Italian company "GLOBAL ARREDI" arrived in Abkhazia for a preliminary inspection of railway stations in need of restoration.

The representatives of the Italian company "GLOBAL ARREDI", which has been working in Russia for about 13 years, was met by Deputy Head of Gagra District Administration Alkhas Bartsits and Chief Architect of the town Diana Loboda.

The purpose of the visit of the Italian company "GLOBAL ARREDI" to Abkhazia is the restoration and reconstruction of railway stations. There are two such facilities in Gagra: the Pavilion railway station and the central station. They were examined by representatives. Restoration and reconstruction of railway and train stations in Abkhazia is directly related to cruise train project, which will follow from Rostov-on-Don to our republic. It will make three stops in Abkhazia on its way, at Gagra station "Gagripsh" (Pavilion), at station "Psyrtskha" in Novy Afon and "Kelasur" in Sukhum. The cruise train will start operating this year.

The restoration of the Gagripsh railway station (Pavilion) will be carried out in two stages: the restoration of the wings and conservation of the main part of the building. Interior work has not yet been envisaged.

The Psyrtskha station is planned to be fully restored. The "Kelasur" station building must be preserved and the platform restored.