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Alkhas Kvitsinia: "President and Members of Parliament discussed a wide range of issues of the state's domestic and foreign policy"

Sunday, 06 September 2020 14:48 734

Sukhum. September 4, 2020. Apsnypress. There was held a meeting with President Aslan Bzhania in parliament on September 3. The journalists were not present at the meeting.

Apsnypress asked the head of the RA President's Administration Alkhas Kvitsinia to tell what exactly the conversation with the deputies was about.


AP: Alkhas Alekseevich, on September 3 President of Abkhazia met with the deputies of the Parliament. You also participated in it. What was the conversation about?

Alkhas Kvitsinia: President and MPs discussed a wide range of issues of domestic and foreign policy of the state. Among the topics discussed there was a question on the arrival of Georgian politicians representing the Alliance of Patriots of Georgia party to Abkhazia. Aslan Bzhania answered all the questions of the deputies on this matter.

AP: There was published information on the website, which says that Aslan Bzhania answering the question on what basis he made the decision to interact with the Georgian side, answered: “ We made a mistake. " Is it so?

Alkhas Kvitsinia: It never happened. This information is not true.