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Thursday, 31 December 2020 19:21 436

Sukhum. December 29th. Apsnypress. There was held a meeting in Sukhum town assembly on the issue of approving parameters of the budget of Sukhum for 2021 and the initiative of the deputy Temyr Kupalba to increase benefits for single mothers.

Alkhas Lagvilava, Head of the Finance Department of Sukhum, presented the draft budget of Sukhum for 2021. “In terms of revenues, the capital's budget for the next year will amount to 1,147,287.8 thousand rubles, in terms of expenditures - 1,182,287.8 thousand rubles, an inter-budget transfer from the republican budget (subsidies) - 35,000,000 rubles. The income part was formed on the basis of the approved indicative plan for the socio-economic development of the republic, which was approved for the next year in the amount of the outgoing year, ” Lagvilava said.

According to him, the only change is a change in the distribution of tax payments: 100% of VAT will go to the republican budget, and 100% of income tax will remain in place.

Subsidies from the republican budget are being cut from 61 million rubles up to 35 million rubles.

The main budget-forming is income tax - 506 639.5 thousand rubles and profit tax - 459,725.6 thousand rubles, other taxes - at the current year level.

The capital's reserve fund amounted to 22,862.9 thousand rubles. It was reduced by 11 million rubles, as the expenditures on executive authorities increased due to the dissolution of communal and housing administrations and their incorporation into a new department - the Department of Housing and Communal Services.

The expenses for improvement of the town were reduced by 4 million rubles compared to the current year due to the merger of the municipal unitary enterprises "Green economy", "Gorsvet" and "Spetsavtohozyaistvo" into one MUP "Improvement".

By unanimous decision of the deputies, the budget parameters were approved.

Also there was considered a proposal of deputy of the State Civil Service Temyr Kupalba to increase the size of benefits for single mothers from 400 rubles to 1000 rubles from January 1.

“Today 350 single mothers receive a monthly allowance of 400 rubles. We propose to increase their allowance to 1000 rubles. I ask my colleagues to support this initiative, ” Kutarba addressed his colleagues.

The MPs voted unanimously in favor of this proposal.